Watched Maska on Netflix, its new original movie that just premiered. Set in Bombay around a Parsi Irani cafe, it’s a nice, light Raju Hirani-esque nostalgia trip with a predictable story arc. A soothing balm for these troubled times instead of once again watching Contagion, Outbreak, Pandemic or any of the virus-apocalyptic cinema du jour and commenting on how eerily accurate it is (that’s the whole bloody point of all good science fiction since the days of Jules Verne😄).
Manisha Koirala does a great job nailing the Parsi look, accent and language, and Jaaved Jaafrey as the dead dad (that's not a spoiler) delivers his trademark brand of mischievous snark, while the rest of the young cast is earnest but won’t give any fears to Ranbir, Ranveer or Alia. If you want a comfort food, a la a warm bun maska and chai, type of entertainment tonight, then Maska is your cup of tea.
March 28, 2020
P.S. Came to know post-facto that my friend Shubhangi Dhaimade is the food stylist in the film responsible for showcasing all those yummy dishes like Berry Pulao, Patra ni Machhi and of course the bun maska. She can be found at
April 3, 2020
Glad you enjoyed it Bindiya. Many people informed me that they saw the movie based on my review and liked it - need to ask Netflix for my commission 😊
Watched Maska this afternoon. Loved it ! Can’t wait to go back to Mumbai and try maska pav at a Parsi restaurant !
Can’t wait to watch this one!
Hi Shubhi,
Yes i came to know post-facto that the yummy food showcased in the movie (Berry Pulao, Patra ni Macchi, etc and of course the bun maska) was done by you as the food stylist. Updating my review to give you a shout out 😊
You know who did the food in the film?